God has spoken to us very clearly about not gathering for a Devoted Festival in 2022. We're sharing some more details about that decision and how that might affect you.
Some news updates. Devoted 2021 - Online, School of Leadership - register now, Leaders Online, Breakthrough at Food Bank, Jubilee+ Conference (Book now!), Called To Influence...
Some news items we thought you'd find helpful. Devoted 2021 - Online, Jubilee+ Conference, Leaders Online, School of Leadership, Change For Growth, God's Treasured Possession, Kaleidoscope Newsletter
A couple of news items we thought you'd like to hear about. Devoted 2021, School of Leadership Plus 1 Corinthians, Terry's Leadership Online Talk, Climate Leadership Training, Training Update, Evangelism Forum, School of Leadership Video
We've put together a mini brochure outlining some of the things going on across the ChristCentral family. Whilst we can't cover everything here, we have tried to give a flavour of what is going on in both the UK and internationally.
When I heard the news that the song 'Reckless Love' might be on the list of songs for Devoted I thought I should probably blog about it. So here goes:
I love this song. I haven't always liked it all that much. I was a bit concerned about the phrase "Reckless Love" and what that might mean...
We've finalised our LifeZone list for 2018 - we're really excited about the various subjects which we'll be looking at together over the course of Devoted
This year we are introducing official Devoted merchandise, provided by Artysan Prints.
Included in the products are adult & children’s T-shirts, baseball caps, cuffed beanies and tote bags.
We believe that God has called us to make a difference. We believe we can do more together than we can apart. We'd love to ask you to pray and consider what you can give into this vision God has given us together.
Jeremy brings a prophetic message regarding the River Of God, encouraging us that God is propelling us into something new. That there is a fresh stirring, a fresh flow like a river. Encouraging us that God's presence will propel us into the world. God is giving us His Spirit to Go!
Lee looks at the Road To Emmaus encounter reminding us that Jesus said he would be with us, till the end, in the every day. In every trial, we serve the risen King, that we should remember his promises both over all & personal!
Tope looks at the topic "Advancing By Faith", he looks at how the story of Joshua speaks to us. He calls us to live by faith: 1. Acknowledging God passionately, 2. Trusting Him wholeheartedly & 3. Obeying Him immediately. This is not to be missed!
Andy is married to Hazel and they have two sons. He is lead pastor of Kings Church Horsham and leads several teams in the church as part of this role...
We're really excited about our LifeZones this year with a new line up of subjects and some great speakers! We've also got plans for various other tracks throughout the day...
Tope Koleoso is married to Kemi and they have two teenage children. Tope is lead pastor of Jubilee Church London and Kemi is heavily involved in leading the church's Youth Work...
We're excited to announce that booking is now open for Devoted 2016! The Devoted team have been working hard over the winter months to get things ready to go live.
It was wonderful to have Nathan & Lou Fellingham with us at Devoted this year. Lou's most recent album Fascinate features a number of the songs which we sang at Devoted.
Do you feel too overwhelmed to enjoy life, unable to sort out the demands on your time? Are you doing your best work as a leader, yet not making an impact? Have you ever felt stuck, powerless to change your environment?
It's all very well to say that the Bible is clear when it talks about homosexuality. But is it realistic? Isn't it unrealistic and unfair to those who struggle with this issue?
A lucid account of the function of the Spirit in the growth of the church. Through the history of God's people the constant element has been the presence of the Almighty.
A Christian response to poverty in Britain today. When you think of poverty in Britain today, do you picture innocent children going without food or scroungers lounging on the sofa all day watching TV and cheating on benefits claims?
Sometimes you end up living the life you never expected. When Andrew and Rachel found out that one, and then both, of their children had severe autism, their world was turned on its head.
On Saturday evening at Devoted we heard updates from across the globe, regarding the work which we are involved with. We were also able to pray for many of the teams or their representatives who are involved in working into these areas.