We are thrilled to have David Devenish with us at Devoted this year. In this brilliant book David shares insight drawn from many years of personal experience in helping people break free from strongholds that have bound them.
You will find a number of excellent titles by Jarrod Cooper on our recommended reading list. It is a great privilege to have Jarrod as one of our main speakers this year.
Do you feel too overwhelmed to enjoy life, unable to sort out the demands on your time? Are you doing your best work as a leader, yet not making an impact? Have you ever felt stuck, powerless to change your environment?
It's all very well to say that the Bible is clear when it talks about homosexuality. But is it realistic? Isn't it unrealistic and unfair to those who struggle with this issue?
A lucid account of the function of the Spirit in the growth of the church. Through the history of God's people the constant element has been the presence of the Almighty.
A Christian response to poverty in Britain today. When you think of poverty in Britain today, do you picture innocent children going without food or scroungers lounging on the sofa all day watching TV and cheating on benefits claims?
Sometimes you end up living the life you never expected. When Andrew and Rachel found out that one, and then both, of their children had severe autism, their world was turned on its head.